Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) is a public financial institution, created by the law of 28th April 1816. It is placed “under Parliament’s supervision and guarantee”. It acts as a long term investor, serving general interest and the economic development of the country. CDC invests in development projects in all territories, to respond to needs the market can’t meet alone. 127,005 people are employed by the Caisse des Dépôts Group (including Transdev).
CDC is shareholder of, among others: CDC Infrastructure, CDC International Capital, AXA Co-investment Fund II, PAI European FCPR, CNP (leading personal insurance) and EGIS (engineering and advisory company), as well as the following companies which focus on construction of infrastructure for transport, water and environment: Veolia, Eiffage, Vivendi, and France Telecom. It holds also a 50% share in BPI France, the public bank created by the merger of CDC and government entities dedicated to the financing of SMEs.
Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation’s consolidated balance sheet amounted to €143 bn in 2013. Its net income was €3.649bn and its recurring income €1.35bn. The savings funds managed by Caisse des Dépôts amounted to €259.3bn. CDC’s rating by Standard & Poor’s is AA/A1+.